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Orange Blossom

Crooked Tree Farm

Stable Moments at Crooked Tree Farm is owned and operated by Steve and Tina Gill on their private property in Richlands North Carolina. We have been licensed family and therapeutic foster parents for six years. We have had over 30 children in our home over the years and the one thing we realized early on was that our retired quarter horse, Inspector Clueso, who is 31 years old impacted each child who stayed with us whether for a night or weeks or years. We could never put our finger on exactly what was happening, but we knew the connection between Clue and each child was something very special.

We went searching for something we didn’t even know existed but landed on the Stable Moments website. We knew right away we were meant for this program. Crooked Tree Farm will be providing Equine Assisted Learning to foster and adopted children in Eastern North Carolina. We will meet each child exactly where they are, invest and show up for them week after week, developing life skills and letting them know they have a voice and they matter.

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